Year of establishment | 2006 |
Type of company | Trading and engineering services |
Area of operational sector | Electrical power and Industries |
Area of operation (Geographical) | Myanmar |
Roll of company in corporate | Parent company |
Year of establishment | 2006 |
Type of company | Trading and engineering services |
Area of operational sector | Electrical power and Industries |
Area of operation (Geographical) | Myanmar |
Roll of company in corporate | Parent company |
Myanma Power Spectrum is not only a trading company, but also an organization for providing best engineering services for its valuable customers. Therefore, more than half of total employees are engineering professionals. Currently, more than a hundred people are working together in the organization.
Our organization structure is consisting of the following departments: –
On top of those units, there is a management group consisting of board of directors, managing director, general m anager, advisory members and departmental m anagers. The management group is a final decision maker for all rounds of the organizational activities.